Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's day at CW

Wow...powerful...thought provoking.

Those are words and emotions that resonated with me after our Veteran's Day assembly at CW.  I was so proud at the attention and caring nature of our students.  During the entire assembly, our students were so engaged in learning more about what Veteran's Day is and what it means for our country.

The focus of our assembly was two-fold: 1. educate our students about the importance of Veteran's Day and 2. step inside a the life of a military family to better understand the sacrifices of our Veteran's and their families!

Our Assembly started with the presentation of the flag by 4 CW Students.

Our 6th grade choir also sang the National Anthem and also God Bless America!  

I spoke about the meaning of Veteran's Day and challenged our students to reach out to a Veteran or Armed Forces member and thank them for Standing Up for our country and to commit to Standing Up for others around them.

Mrs. Smith, a 5th grade teacher at CW, talked about her experiences and emotions of being a military wife and mom.  She talked about the multiple moves her family had to endure and the uncertainty when her husband was deployed.

We were honored to have her husband, Lt. Col. Smith, speak about his over 20 years of service to our country.  It was so amazing to watch students listen intently as he talked about the sacrifices he made to keep our country free!  Lt. Col. Smith is truly a hero!

One of our students concluded the Assembly by presenting Lt. Col. Smith a CW Stand Up t-shirt in appreciation for how he Stood Up for our country!