In talking with our students in the halls and at lunch, many were excited to do their best on the MEAP. This is all we ever ask is that students celebrate their knowledge on these tests. We want to celebrate the hard work our students put in during the previous school year!
As I was thinking more about MEAP, it made me think of our recent Home Inspection on the house we are purchasing in Forest Hills. The purpose of the Home Inspection is to give us a complete picture of how the house and what areas are fundamentally sound and what parts of the house need attention. I look at the MEAP in the same way. Having students take assessments like MEAP are only beneficial if we use the results to improve teaching and learning. A MEAP score does not define who a child is...rather it gives us a better picture of what areas a student is strong in and what areas may need extra attention. It can also tell us that a student is doing well in all areas and we need to find ways to challenge a student.
Just as with a Home Inspection, the MEAP information is only useful if you use it. I look forward to seeing our students do so we can work to meet the needs of every student!
Have a great night!
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