Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Where did it go?

Around this time of year, I hear many families and students begin to ask this question.  They are referring to summer!  Summer is a great time for our children to play, spend time with family, and make lasting memories.  For some students, the end of August is filled with excitement for the start of new school year.  There is anticipation about what class students will be in and lots of energy about seeing friends and meeting new ones.

However, the start of the school year can also be the cause of anxiety for some.  I am new to the building just like all of our 5th grade students so I can empathize with a lot of their feelings.  Coming to new a place can be hard for students who have been in the same school since kindergarten.  There are a lot of emotions that students might feel about starting the school year.   I would encourage you to begin the transition process now at home by talking about the upcoming school year.  Having time to process the change can help ease anxiety about coming to a new school year. 

Our students are fortunate to be at a school with such caring staff.  I have met many of our teachers and I know they will do everything possible to make sure each child is welcomed and feels safe in our school.  Please make sure you bring your child to the “Meet and Greet” on August 27th (see the building calendar for more information).  This is an opportunity for your child to meet teachers and see the school!  By being in the building, the comfort level of our students increases allowing for a great first day of school!

Have a great day!

David Simpson

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